Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Extra, Extra!: Noir City Sentinel

The July/August issue of the house organ (keep your snickers to yourselves) of the Film Noir Foundation hit in-boxes around the globe this morning. At an epic 33 pages, it’s no longer a newsletter but a magazine.

Including for your reading pleasure:

* An extensive interview with writer/director Arnold Laven!

* Eddie Muller’s profile of Belita, the figure skating Ice Queen of film noir!

* Philippe Garnier’s astonishing article on a pair of jailbirds who found success as screenwriters in 1930s Hollywood!

Plus, this issue of the Sentinel features the byline of yours truly not once but twice, on a survey of the Catholic noir of John Farrow and a book-versus-film comparison of Nightmare Alley.

You know you want to read it. Kick in a few bucks to the Film Noir Foundation and enjoy.