Friday, February 11, 2011

Noir City Northwest: Setting The Table

The dark carnival that is Noir City rolls into Seattle tonight. This year’s theme is Who’s Crazy Now?, each evening’s double bill featuring a mash-up of madness. Your doctor Eddie Muller will be on hand to psychoanalyze the patients. Rosemarie and I will be manning the Film Noir Foundation booth in the lobby before each show, offering a range of merchandise for whatever ails you. And of course I’ll be offering my usual obsessive level of coverage.

Only this year, with a difference.

The annual For the Love of Film blogathon, devoted to film preservation and hosted by Ferdy on Films and the Self-Styled Siren, has made film noir the subject and the FNF the beneficiary. Dozens of posts from a host of blogs will be included, with my Noir City Northwest reports running under that rubric as well. The goal is to raise money for the FNF and specifically to fund a restoration of the 1950 film The Sound of Fury, aka Try and Get Me.

So kick in a few bucks. And if you’re in Seattle, come down to SIFF Cinema and say hello.