Sunday, February 24, 2008

Already Happened: GreenCine Oscars Live Blog

Damn, live blogging is hard. But I did it. Here’s the full transcript. Personally, I think I peaked during the pre-show, when I said that I was also a stripper-turned-writer like Diablo Cody and that I perform under the name Regis Thrillbin. You really need to pace yourself if you’re going to go all night. That’s what she said. No time!

My thanks to Craig Phillips and GreenCine Daily for the invite. I had a lot of fun.

Overall, the Academy Awards show was low energy, but Jon Stewart made the best of a bad situation. And I have no complaints about the winners. I cleaned up in my Oscar pool. Thank you, Marion Cotillard and The Bourne Ultimatum.

I gave up on E!’s post-show coverage when I saw that the horrible Olly girls from Sunset Tan were there, and on the Barbara Walters special when a graphic read that Raiders of the Lost Ark came out in 1985, not 1981. Both errors could have been easily corrected. Anyway, I’ve got work to do. Regis Thrillbin goes on at midnight.